This is the beginning of a display using QR codes to access work done by the children from St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Primary School, based on ‘A King’s Ransom’ or links to related sites, including ‘Into Opera’.
Scan the codes below to find some readings, some pictures, and some sounds created so far. More to come – using Scratch for Computer Science.
Feel the tension. (Y6 Soundscape, using GarageBand)
Is something unpleasant about to happen?
Scan the code or type in the url to experience it for yourselves.

What was it really like at the time?
Find out about the History of Nottingham Castle and Robin Hood.

Hear the story.
Read by members of Year 6.

See the forest.
Pictures by Year 1.

The Legend of Robin Hood.
People have always found the legend of Robin Hood an inspiration for music and films. Scan these codes for some examples. Do you remember the first one?

Computer Science
Year 3 have conversations between characters, Year 4 have made some flashing Treasure Chests with other effects and Year 5 have designed Games for fun. Year 5 code to follow soon.
Year 3

Year 4
